Failing to provide appropriate training is debatable. One of the major pitfalls which companies fall into in an attempt to cut back on costs when implementing an ERP system but in the long term this can lead to a reduction in productivity which ultimately means that the company has paid for a system and is not reaping the full benefits from it. Here are things not to do when training your ERP staff .
1. Educate, not train
Training staff is much different to educating staff. Training is when you show staff how to carry out a particular task whereas educating staff is when you explain why a task is carried out and this will ensure that the staff have a much deeper understanding of the in and the out of the system thus enabling them to make appropriate changes as and when problems occur.
2. Take advantage of a number of educational methods
People are unique in many ways and one member of staff may benefit more from one training method whereas another member of staff may benefit more from another training method. Make use of a number of training methods such as web based tutorials, user guides as well as holding a questions and answer session.
3. Don’t merge formal training with informal training
Trainers can often mix formal with informal training which shows signs of a poorly laid out training scheme. To make the most of the training process, formal training should take place independently from informal training. Formal training includes the standard training methods such as classroom training and examples of informal training could include embedded training courses within the software that the staff will use as well as context-sensitive help.
4. Education is an investment not an expense
Businesses need to understand that education is not solely an expense but it is an investment which will eventually blossom into a more productive business. It should be understood that for a business to run efficiently all staff must be confident that they can carry out their job proficiently and this can only happen by effectively training and educating staff. In addition to this, education should be more than just a one off event which takes place only when the ERP system is implemented as new developments occur all the time and staff must be made aware of these developments in order for them to meet the on-going needs of the business.