June 16, 2010

Real Time Inventory

SAP Business One Inventory

Real Time Inventory

SAP Business One is a completely real-time business application, with inventory and accounting figures being updated automatically when transaction occur. When an Invoice is created and added to the system, the Inventory is immediately deducted from the in-stock amount and the Cost of Goods Sold are booked to the General Ledger, along with the other entries created by an Invoice. No batches to process, no end of day or end of month processes. It all happens in the background, in real-time, all the time.

SAP Business One Video - Real Time Inventory

June 7, 2010

A Function of software Design and Quality

An accounting system, more than any other system, needs to be reliable. The webERP code has been extensively peer reviewed but more importantly extensively tested in the field. The result is rock solid stability and a program that does exactly as it is supposed to.All development is reviewed and the project is led by UK qualified Chartered Accountants both with experience in senior management roles in business. The emphasis is on practical features that businesses really need.
To produce a solid application it is necessary to build upon solid foundations. webERP is developed using the PHP (PHP Hypertext Pre-Processor) web development language. Again PHP is an open-source development environment and the rigour applied to its development and review of its code is the reason why it has become one of the most popular and respected web-development platforms. Performance of well written PHP applications in a web-environment are arguably without peer. webERP is no exception.webERP scripts are developed with consistency and simplicity in mind so that the PHP scripts that make up webERP are readable with only a basic knowledge of PHP scripting and the webERP structure. Every opportunity is taken to remove abstraction from the code to make the logic as clear as possible to the reader of the code. Simple code makes for reliable code. It also makes for easily modifiable code should another function be required.
It can be easily configured on any operating system and the computer processing requirements are surprisingly light. With web-hosting so competitively priced, 3rd party hosting external to the business effectively minimises any internal IT costs of maintaining the server. Then only a connection to the internet is required to use webERP.

What is the Major Advantage of Distribution Software

Wholesale distributors know a strong distribution software package is a critical requirement for staying competitive in today’s economic conditions. Distributors engaged in ERP selection projects will keep the organization’s distribution requirements at the heart of their ERP evaluation project. When considering a new ERP system, distributors will be focused on features and functions that help aid the organization in maintaining strong inventory control and exceptional customer service. They will seek comprehensive ERP solutions that offer high inventory turnover, robust purchasing, efficient import management, and an undeniable focus on customer relationship management.So what do wholesale distributors look for in a new ERP system? Take a moment to answer our weekly ERP poll and then check back to see how your response aligns with that of the average visitor.

What is the Major Advantage of Distribution Software Over Standard ERP Systems?
Fully-integrated CRM Functionality
Fully-integrated Warehouse Management System
Strong Supply Chain Management Capabilities
Distribution Requirements Planning (DRP) to Support Multiple Distribution Cen


Tuppas specializes in agile ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) design. We can gather data from the shop floor and build expert systems to utilize that data. What makes us stand out from the crowd is that we can provide "fast track" service and a high level of customization for our customers at the same time. Manufacturing companies can greatly benefit from our expertise in implementations within manufacturing environments as they move to automate data collection and reporting.

Our customers also experience the huge benefit of software customized just for them without the huge price tag of traditional systems. We also offer a SaaS Software as a service option. The types of systems Tuppas offers are financials, CRM, cost accounting, forecasting and planning. Tuppas also provides a complete collection of MES modules. Tuppas has evolved providing MES systems to manufacturers and is the superior choice for innovation in manufacturing.

ERP Software

June 6, 2010

SAP focus in Pakistan

SAP seems to once again making a push further into Pakistan. It is looking for sap_logo.gifpeople to hire, and for business partners (resellers and system integrators). Its been all over the informal newswire and SAP has been giving out large ads in the papers going “we’re hiring!!”. If you’re a lowly paid or out of work SAP consultant in the US, time to move back here…
Pakistan,India, China and the ME region are a hot market for ERPs, and possibly the last “real, large” market for enterprise ERP systems.
SAP currently is installed at over 20 of the largest companies in Pakistan, with the customer list including the likes of PSO, Indus Motors,  etc
Oracle isn’t sitting on the sidelines either, they have closed quite a few projects through several system integrators in the country in the last 8 months. With their acquisition of iFLEX, a core banking suite they are also now wading into the banking sector in Pakistan, much to the annoyance of IBM+Misys.
All this while Microsoft’s Dynamics (Their ERP suite : GP, Solomon,etc ) initiatives look as cold as an uncooked kettle of fish, as usual. I guess the regular licensing and ISV sales are more than making up for it, as usual

June 4, 2010

ERP software for midsize and large companies

At its core Enterprise ERP system offers the typical Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) modules of accounts, order processing, stock, manufacturing and job costing. By offering a range of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) modules, such as email, document management, graphical calendars and schedulers, and a bulletin board, all in the same application, Enterprise ERP system is able to deliver a unique level of interaction between its component elements. Enterprise ERP software system also provides a series of modules designed for specific industries, all with the same potential for interaction with other parts of the system. It uses an unrivaled range of technologies to extend the software availability throughout your organisation and beyond, at the same time reducing reliance on costly interfaces between applications thereby offering the lowest total cost of ownership available in the mid-range.